ISSN: 2167-0250
+44 1300 500008
Ichiro Ichihara
Chiyoda-bashi 2-5- 3-207, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-0011
Research Article
Morphometry and Ultrastructure of Stage IX-Specific Effects on Rat Sertoli and Spermatogenic Cells Immediately After 7-Day Testosterone Treatment in One Group and the Same Treatment in Another Group Followed by 7-Day Non-Treatment
Author(s): Ichiro Ichihara and Lauri J. Pelliniemi3Ichiro Ichihara and Lauri J. Pelliniemi3
Purpose: In our previous study, morphometric and ultrastructural analysis of stage-specific effects of Sertoli and spermatogenic cells were seen immediately after 7-day testosterone treatment (T group) in rat testes. The results strongly suggested that significant regulatory factors in spermatogenesis remain to be discovered. The present study was conducted to determine the morphometric and ultrastructural analysis of rat sertoli and spermatogenic cells in stage IX T group in one group and the same treatment in another group followed by 7-day non treatment (AT group), and also to assess whether or not the suggested unknown regulatory factors exist in the AT group. Results: In the AT group, concentrations of testosterone decreased more prominently than in its counterpart in the T group. However, its concentration was lower than its counterpart in the control group of rats. Both luteinizin.. View More»