ISSN: 2155-9899
Ignatius W. Fong
Review Article
TIM-3 and Its Immunoregulatory Role in HIV Infection
Author(s): AKM Nurur Rahman, Keira Clayton, Shariq Mujib, Ignatius W. Fong and Mario A. OstrowskiAKM Nurur Rahman, Keira Clayton, Shariq Mujib, Ignatius W. Fong and Mario A. Ostrowski
The chronic nature of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV) infection leads to the functional exhaustion of HIV specific CD8+ T cells. Although multiple markers of exhaustion have been identified so far, the recently discovered T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3 (TIM-3) molecules distinguishes bona fide exhausted T cells with replicative senescence and functional impairment. TIM-3 is expressed on T helper type 1 (TH1) and T cytotoxic type 1 (TC1) T cells during chronic HIV infection and once ligated to its ligand transmits negative signaling to arrest T cell function. This negative effect of TIM-3 ligation could be exploited to our advantage as a therapeutic approach to treat HIV-infected individuals. In addition to exhaustion, altered TIM-3 expression has been implicated in autoimmunity and tolerance abrogation... View More»