ISSN: 2155-9899
John E Connolly
Rapid Communication
Unique Cytokine/Chemokine Signatures for HIV-1 and HCV Monoinfection versus Co-infection as Determined by the Luminex® Analyses
Author(s): Saifur Rahman, John E Connolly, Sharron L Manuel, Jihed Chehimi, Luis J Montaner and Pooja JainSaifur Rahman, John E Connolly, Sharron L Manuel, Jihed Chehimi, Luis J Montaner and Pooja Jain
Liver disease caused by HIV-1/HCV co-infection is characterized by the inflammation and cell-death. The coexistence of these two chronic viral infections also alters the cytokine production in vivo. The ability to visualize changes in cytokine networks with the onset and progression of disease or treatment is critical to advance our understanding of the immune response to pathogens. The recent Luminex® technology has revolutionized the simultaneous detection and quantitation of several cytokines and chemokines in clinical samples that are generally available in small quantities. We have applied this technology to analyze the plasma samples from patients who have either HIV-1 or HCV mono-infection or HIV-1/HCV co-infection and monitored the presence of 23 cytokines and chemokines. Of these, 8 (IFN-α2, IL-2, IL-3, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70, IL-15 and RANTES) cytokines we.. View More»