Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6488

John E Lewis

John E Lewis


  • Research Article
    The Relevance of Blue Moods and Depression in the Context of Smoking and Natural Quitting Rates in People Living with HIV
    Author(s): María José Míguez-Burbano, Mayra E Vargas-Rivera, Yanerys Leon, Clery Quiros, John E Lewis, Luis A Espinoza, Deshratan Asthana and Cassandra A Stanton María José Míguez-Burbano, Mayra E Vargas-Rivera, Yanerys Leon, Clery Quiros, John E Lewis, Luis A Espinoza, Deshratan Asthana and Cassandra A Stanton

    Objective: Research suggests that smoking-cessation interventions are less successful among people living with HIV (PLWH). The factors influencing the limited success of evidence-based smoking-cessation interventions in this population are not well understood. Design: Longitudinal analyses (of the first 12-months of an ongoing cohort (“FILTERS”) sociodemographically matched sample of 160 PLWH and 180 without HIVcomprised of both smokers and non-smokers. Methods: Semi-annual visits include a detailed survey of smoking behaviors (e.g., type of cigarette, amounts) and cessation efforts (i.e., prior attempts to quit, interest in quitting). Additionally, a fasting blood sample was obtained to assess serum cotinine, biochemical, and viroimmune parameters. Results: Compared to serone.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2329-6488.1000175

    Abstract PDF

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