ISSN: 2475-3181
Joshi N
United Kingdom
Research Article
Reprioritisation of Liver Export Protein Synthesis in Patients with Decompensated Alcoholic Liver Disease
Author(s): Rafferty MJ, McMillan DC, Preston T, Hamid R, Small AC, Joshi N and Stanley AJ
Rafferty MJ, McMillan DC, Preston T, Hamid R, Small AC, Joshi N and Stanley AJ
Background: Decompensated alcoholic liver disease is associated with abnormalities in protein synthesis. The relationship of this to reprioritisation of hepatic export proteins and markers of the
systemic inflammatory response
is unclear. We examined the longitudinal relationship between albumin and fibrinogen synthetic rates and disease severity in decompensated alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Patients and Methods: Hepatic protein synthetic rates were measured in patients with decompensated Childs grade B or C alcohol-related cirrhosis using a validated technique, based on incorporation of deuterated phenylalanine into the plasma pool of albumin and fibrinogen. As a measure of liver export protein reprioritisation, we calculated the fibrinogen and albumin synthetic rates and the Acute Phase Protein Quotient (APPQ; the ratio of these rates). Serum CRP a.. View More»