Chemotherapy: Open Access

Chemotherapy: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-7700

Karim EL Khatib

  • Case Report
    Extended Arm Necrosis by Chemotherapy Drugs Extravasation
    Author(s): Odry Agbessi, Adil Arrob, Abibou N’diaye, Hicham Sabani, Mohammed Nassih and Karim EL Khatib Odry Agbessi, Adil Arrob, Abibou N’diaye, Hicham Sabani, Mohammed Nassih and Karim EL Khatib

    Complications of chemotherapy stem from the toxicity of products used and complications related to the modes and routes of administration of these products. To minimize the risks associated with the latter, due to the toxicity of the drugs administered and the long duration of treatment requiring repeated access to the venous system, the use of implantable venous access port is recommended for the administration of these products. However, this does not exclude the risk of complication occurrence such as extravasation of cytotoxic drugs. Passage in extravascular areas of chemotherapy drugs is a relatively less frequent incident but may lead to injury up to the extensive tissue necrosis that can worsen the patient's prognosis and alter his functional life comfort. Although this complication is very well known and widely described in literature, very few cases have been reported hence the .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7700.1000147

    Abstract PDF

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