ISSN: 2155-9899
Karsten Kretschmer
Molecular and Cellular Immunology/Immune Regulation, DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB), Technische Universität Dresden,
Fetscherstr. 105, 01307 Dresden
Review Article
Approaches to Discriminate Naturally Induced Foxp3+ Treg cells of Intra- and Extrathymic Origin: Helios, Neuropilin-1, and Foxp3RFP/GFP
Author(s): Sebastian Dohnke, Maria Schreiber, Sonja Schallenberg, Mario Simonetti, Luise Fischer, Annette I. Garbe, Antonios Chatzigeorgiou and Karsten Kretschmer
Sebastian Dohnke, Maria Schreiber, Sonja Schallenberg, Mario Simonetti, Luise Fischer, Annette I. Garbe, Antonios Chatzigeorgiou and Karsten Kretschmer
CD4+ regulatory T (Treg) cells expressing the transcription factor fork head box P3 (Foxp3) prevent catastrophic autoimmunity and maintain immune homeostasis throughout life, and are being increasingly implicated in non-immune functions, such as the control of metabolic and regenerative processes in mice and humans. Early studies have attributed a major role of the thymus and intrathymic Foxp3+ Treg lineage commitment (referred to as ‘tTreg’ cells) in the establishment and maintenance of the mature Foxp3+ Treg cell pool residing in peripheral lymphoid tissue. In addition, numerous experimental modalities have been shown to instruct Foxp3+ Treg cell commitment in peripheral, initially naïve CD4+Foxp3- T cells, which includes the induction of a Foxp3+ Treg cell phenotype and suppressor function by TGF-&be.. View More»