ISSN: 2155-6148
Kathrine C. Fernandez
Research Article
Development and Validation of the Post-Operative Recovery Index for Measuring Quality of Recovery after Surgery
Author(s): Stephen F. Butler, Ryan A. Black, Lee Techner, Kathrine C. Fernandez, David Brooks, Mollie Wood and Nathaniel KatzStephen F. Butler, Ryan A. Black, Lee Techner, Kathrine C. Fernandez, David Brooks, Mollie Wood and Nathaniel Katz
Purpose: Current methods used to quantify aspects of recovery after surgery and anesthesia tend to be narrowly focused, not patient-rated, or have not been appropriately validated. We set out to develop a quality of recovery score system that is self-report and multi-dimensional, with applicability across various surgeries and surgical settings, from immediately post-surgery through discharge and covering the first 30 days of recovery. Methods: A Post-operative Recovery Index (PoRI) was validated on 225 patients (NValidation=96; NCross Validation=129) who had undergone a surgical procedure within the last 30 days. Domain level internal consistency on the validation and cross validation samples yielded coefficients ranging from α=0.813 to α=0.932, while test-retest reliability yielded stability coefficients ranging from r=0.660 to r=0.881... View More»