Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Katja Pesjak

Katja Pesjak


  • Research Article
    Healthy, but are they Satisfied? Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction in Professional Soldiers of the Slovenian Armed Forces
    Author(s): Polona Seli�Polona Seli�

    Aim:To identify factors associated with job satisfaction with professional soldiers of the slovenian armed forces using demographic characteristics, burnout, personality traits, and health and working environment characteristics. Method: 361 military personnel (317 male (87.8%), 44 female (12.2%)) participated in a cross-sectional study (80.6% response rate). Sample data was presented by frequency and percentage distribution for categorical variables, or by mean value and standard deviation for continuous variables. The Pearson correlation coefficient, the independent sample t-test and the one-way ANOVA were used for the univariate statistical comparison. Variables significantly related to job satisfaction were included in the multivariate linear regression. The linear model calculation included coefficient B, 9.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2167-0374.19.103

    Abstract PDF

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