Anesthesia & Clinical Research

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-6148

Kochar G

Kochar G


  • Case Report
    Submento-Submandibular Intubation-an Adjnct in Orthognathic Surgery?
    Author(s): Chakranarayan A, Jyoti J and Kochar GChakranarayan A, Jyoti J and Kochar G

    The submento-submandibular intubation technique has been used in facial trauma cases where there is a requirement of addressing the facial fracture requiring intraoperative verification of occlusal relationship and also addressing the nasal fractures. However the utility of this technique in orthognathic surgery cases has not been reported as much. The case report presents and discusses the effective use of this technique in the surgical management of a case of bimaxillary protrusion with lip deficiency... View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-6148.1000492

    Abstract PDF

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