ISSN: 2155-6148
Kokeb Desta
Research Article
Effects of Types of Anesthesia on Neurobehavioral Response and Apgar Score in
Neonates Delivered with Cesarean Section in Dilla University Referral Hospital
Author(s): Semagn Mekonnen and Kokeb Desta
Semagn Mekonnen and Kokeb Desta
Background: Neonatal outcomes are affected by types of anesthesia and perioperative patient cares. Studies showed that neonatal neurobehavioral response and Apgar score were better in mothers who gave birth under spinal anesthesia than general anesthesia. But studies were inadequate locally and this study compared neonatal neurobehavioral response and Apgar score in mothers who undergo caesarean section. Objective: The main objective of the study was to compare Neonatal neurobehavioral response and Apgar score in neonates delivered with caesarean section under spinal vs. General anesthesia. Methods and materials: After approval from institutional review Board (IRB) of Dilla University, we studied 200 consecutive babies delivered with caesarean section under spinal and General Anesthesia from ASA I&II term pregnant mother in Dilla University Teaching and referral H.. View More»