ISSN: 2381-8719
+44 1478 350008
Kumar CP
Research Article
Identifying Salinization Using Isotopes and Ion Chemistry in Semi-Arid Region of Punjab, India
Author(s): Gopal Krishan, Rao MS, Kumar CP and Prabhat Semwal
Gopal Krishan, Rao MS, Kumar CP and Prabhat Semwal
The Semi-arid Southwest part of the Punjab has intense agricultural and industrial activity and this part is affected by groundwater salinity problems. To identify the groundwater salinity using isotopes (δ18O) and ion chemistry 22 random samples were collected from semi-arid region of South West Punjab i.e. Bhatinda district. The hydro-chemical analysis shows that the southern and western parts have high values of EC. Some areas in the district especially in north, central and small patches in south-western and eastern parts showing high values of fluoride exceeding the permissible limit of 1.5 mgL-1 for drinking water standards. The water belongs to the category of very hard water. The Na% in groundwater indicates that from 17 groundwater water sampling locations water can be used for irrigation leaving only 5 sampling locations which is found unsuitable for irrigation. The en.. View More»