ISSN: 2167-0420
Lankamo Ena
Research Article
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Risky Sexual Behaviors among Adolescents of Jimma University Community High School, South West Ethiopia, 2015
Author(s): Lankamo Ena, Bekana Fekecha Hurissa and Samuel Abdu Aliyu
Lankamo Ena, Bekana Fekecha Hurissa and Samuel Abdu Aliyu
Background: Sexual activities among adolescents have been reported as increasing worldwide. Risky sexual behaviors are among the factors that increase the likelihood of adverse sexual and reproductive health consequences such as unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortion, STIs including HIV/AIDS and others. Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia are highly exposed to various risky sexual behaviors.
Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice towards risky sexual behaviors among adolescents of Jimma university community high school
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Total sample size of the study was selected by using stratified random sampling technique with proportional allocation to size of each stratum. Data was collected using structured, pre-tested self-administered questionnaire. Dat.. View More»