Journal of Research and Development

Journal of Research and Development
Open Access

ISSN: 2311-3278


LaVelle Hendricks

LaVelle Hendricks

Commerce, TX 75428

  • Mini Review
    Teaching Content Using English as a Medium of Instruction at Universities in Vietnam: Issues and Solutions
    Author(s): Cam Ngo and Lavelle HendricksCam Ngo and Lavelle Hendricks

    In the globalization era, English is becoming the official international language. This originates from the importance of English in the stages of integration, internationalization, and globalization. English is the language of computer science, economics, science, and technology. Actually, future Vietnamese scientists not only need to grasp the knowledge of their specializations in the Vietnamese language but also to be able to expand the international relationships with their foreign counterparts and take advantage of opportunities for joining scientific projects with their colleagues from developed countries, so that they can contribute to the global achievements of science. For that, they need to possess a good command of the English language. For aforementioned reasons, English should be used as the medium language for content instruction at Vietnamese universities. Using English.. View More»

    Abstract PDF

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