Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Lieutenant Colonel. Ralph Jay Johnson III

Lieutenant Colonel. Ralph Jay Johnson III
Head Quarters, United States Army LTC Medical Operations and Planning Officer, USARPAC,
G-3 HADR, Building x348, Fort Shafter, HI 96858, 5th Avenue-547th ASG, Ellington AFB, 11210 Blume Ave, Houston, TX 77034

  • Review Article
    Deriving Costs and Effectiveness Data for U.S. Army Training-Garrison Pre-Hospital U.S. Army Emergency Medical Services
    Author(s): Lieutenant Colonel. Ralph Jay Johnson III*Lieutenant Colonel. Ralph Jay Johnson III*

    This article reports on preliminary efforts to derive accurate cost-effectiveness data for US Army training-garrison installations’ Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Services (PH-EMS) pursuant to “best practices” in the research literature. Recent attempts to collect US Army training-garrison PH-EMS effort (i.e., activity) measures revealed disparate cost accounting, thus giving rise to concerns and mobilizing exploratory studies on accurately, comparably, and comprehensively measuring these costs. A civilian PH-EMS project’s (the EMS Cost Analysis Project (EMSCAP)) vetted costing tool chest was generously borrowed from and conceptually adapted. Considerations of costs naturally and logically led to further consideration of performance outcomes (i.e., effectiveness). Pursuant to “best practices” in the research literature, the American College of Surge.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2167-0374.19.175

    Abstract PDF

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