ISSN: 0976-4860
+44 1478 350008
M Fatih Hocaoglu
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences,
Research Article
Aspect Oriented Programming Perspective in Software Agents and Simulation
Author(s): M Fatih HocaogluM Fatih Hocaoglu
Agent-driven Simulation Framework-AdSiF provides a declarative scripting agent programming language. Stateoriented programming paradigm combined with multi-programming paradigms is at the background of script, which allows programming by extended state charts. Aspect-oriented programming paradigm draws a solution background related with scattered codes, scattered requirements and tangled requirements. While object-oriented programming paradigm gives a vertical software design, aspect orientation enhances this vertically deep design by horizontal association. Aspect-oriented programming paradigm, which is one of the components of AdSiF’s state oriented programming paradigm, provides a solution by a loosely-coupled script description to the problems mentioned. For this purpose, states and behaviours, which satisfy scattered requirements, are distributed to behaviour’s and be.. View More»