ISSN: 2327-4972
Maciej Tokarski
Head & Neck Surgery, PoznanUniversity of Medical Sciences Przybyszewskiego,
Str. 49, 60-355 Poznan
Research Article
Difficulty Swallowing-The Degree of Dysphagia in the Polish Population Comparing Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing with Surface Electromyography Preliminary Reports
Author(s): Maciej Tokarski, Hanna Czerniejewska-Wolska, Małgorzata Wierzbicka and Małgorzata LeszczyńskaMaciej Tokarski, Hanna Czerniejewska-Wolska, Małgorzata Wierzbicka and Małgorzata Leszczyńska
Study background: Dysphagia is a problem with which patients increasingly seek medical care. Early involvement of specialists (gastroenterologist, ENT surgeons, nutritionists) aid in symptomatic treatment, and offer a good prognosis for the management of swallowing disorders. Symptoms generally arise periodically and on occasion may eradicate on their own. Although elderly patients are inherently predisposed to dysphagia, there is an increased prevalence in the younger population.Aim: The aim of the project is to develop comprehensive guidelines for dysphagia amongst the Polish population for various age groups. The research will determine the predisposition to dysphagia and the different etiologies that are attributed in the phases of the diseas non-neurological-GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), chronic laryngitis.Method:.. View More»