ISSN: 2381-8719
+44 1478 350008
Mahmood Sultan
Research Article
Composite Geophysical Study Comprising Gravity, Magnetic, and Resistivity Surveys to Delineate Basement Salt Deposits Near Jabbar Nala East of Kherwa Gorge, Pakistan
Author(s): Mahmood Sultan and Khawar Ashfaq Ahmed
Mahmood Sultan and Khawar Ashfaq Ahmed
A composite geophysical survey has been carried out comprising gravity, magnetic, and resistivity surveys for delineation of salt deposits, thickness of overburden and basement depth over an area of 631 acres near Jabbar Nala east of Khewra Gorge, Sodi, Pakistan. The survey is carried out on the girded pattern of 100 x 100 meters; however, some variability in coverage tends to exist due to the existence of high hills topography. Present research revealed that salt deposits exist within the depth of 75~100 meters at specific locations in the extreme northeast and northwest. Most of the anomalous zones fall in this area is analogous when these three surveys are explored and comprehensive analysis performed. Existing excavated area of salt mine also exists in the northeast where the strong Bouguer gravity, magnetic, and resistivity anomalies have been superimposed, however, anomalous zon.. View More»