ISSN: 2155-9880
+44 1300 500008
Malek Al-Hawwas
Little Rock, AR 72205
Case Report
An Aortic Flap from Endocarditis
Author(s): Malek Al-Hawwas, Mohamed Nosair, Ismail El-Hamamsy and Francois Marcotte
Malek Al-Hawwas, Mohamed Nosair, Ismail El-Hamamsy and Francois Marcotte
Endocarditis might result in a chronic damage to heart valves and adjacent cardiac structures. A healed endocarditis of the aortic valve rarely leaves a sterile abscess in the aortic root. The abscess might appear as an intimal tear on subsequent imaging studies leading to a misdiagnosis of aortic dissection in a suspicious clinical context. It is important to recognize this uncommon complication and its manifestation on different imaging modalities.
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