ISSN: 2161-1149 (Printed)
Manu Chandrappa
Manager, Medical Services, AHPL,
Research Article
Glucocorticoids in Management of Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis-Current Prescribing Practices and Perceptions of Physicians in India: GLUMAR Survey
Author(s): Manu Chandrappa and Swati BiswasManu Chandrappa and Swati Biswas
Background: Several questions about use of glucocorticoids in rheumatoid arthritis are unanswered.
Objective: Understanding perspectives of physicians regarding use of glucocorticoids in rheumatoid arthritis management.
Material and methods: Rheumatologists were interviewed to understand their perspectives and experiences on use of glucocorticoids in rheumatoid arthritis treatment.
Results: Of the enrolled 150 physicians, 74% reported using glucocorticoids "sometimes to always" in the initial treatment whereas 143 (95.4%) reported it using "sometimes to always" in acute exacerbations; 40% sometimes as an adjuvant to disease modifying antirheumatic drugs therapy. Oral low dose prednisolone or equivalent (<15 mg/day) is used by 101 (67.3%) physicians in up to 50% patients. Intra-articular low .. View More»