Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0487

+44 1478 350008

Maria Luigia Fusco

  • Research Article
    The Impact of Screening, Medical Treatment and Invasive Interventions on Patients' Medical Decision-Making Styles: A Cross-Sectional Study with Inferences to the United States Population
    Author(s): Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Raffaele Sperandeo, Silvia Dell’Orco, Pasquale Cozzolino, Maria Luigia Fusco, Vittoria Silviana Iorio, Daniela Albesi, Patrizia Marone and Nicole NasciveraNelson Mauro Maldonato, Raffaele Sperandeo, Silvia Dell’Orco, Pasquale Cozzolino, Maria Luigia Fusco, Vittoria Silviana Iorio, Daniela Albesi, Patrizia Marone and Nicole Nascivera

    Background: Although positive benefits are associated with shared decision making, no previous studies have evaluated the impact of condition on how shared decision making is implemented. Objective: To compare decision-making preferences across three conditions associated with screening, medical treatment, and invasive interventions: Screening tests for colorectal cancer, initiation of prescription medication for hypertension, and surgical treatment for hip or knee osteoarthritis. Methods: We made use of the publicly available National Survey of Medical Decisions (the DECISIONS study) data and our sample comprised of all subjects who completed the following three specific modules of the decisions study: Colorectal cancerscreening tests, high blood-pressure medication, and knee or hip replacement surgery. Our primary outcomes of interest were (.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000328

    Abstract PDF

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