ISSN: 2329-6488
Marisela Agudelo
Research Article
Platelets Contribute to BBB Disruption Induced by HIV and Alcohol
Author(s): Madhavan Nair, Maria Jose MB, Marisela Agudelo, Adriana Yndart and Mayra E Vargas-Rivera
Madhavan Nair, Maria Jose MB, Marisela Agudelo, Adriana Yndart and Mayra E Vargas-Rivera
The role of platelets in the neurological diseases that underlie cognitive impairment has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Multiple pathways in platelets contribute to host defenses, as well as to CNS function. In the current study, we hypothesize that the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) is disrupted when exposed to platelets from patients with triple Co-morbidity (hazardous alcohol users+ HIV+ thrombocytopenia), compared to those with dual, single or no morbidity (HIV only, alcohol only or healthy controls).
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