ISSN: 2684-1258
Marta Fajardo-Paneque
Virgen del Rocío Universitary Hospital,
Manuel Siurot Avenue, 41013-Seville
Case Report
Malignant Spermatic Cord Mesothelioma
Author(s): Marta Fajardo-Paneque, Antonio Talegón-Meléndez , Rainiero ÃÂvila-Polo and Francisco José Castell-MonsalveMarta Fajardo-Paneque, Antonio Talegón-Meléndez , Rainiero Ãvila-Polo and Francisco José Castell-Monsalve
We report a case of a 71 year old man who presents to our hospital with a non-painful enlargement of the right testicle and an indurated area over the testis. The patient has a working history of asbestos exposure. Scrotal sonography shows a right hydrocele and a heterogeneous mass at the right spermatic cord. Abdominal CT scan confirms the presence of a supratesticular oval mass of 14.5 × 4.7 cm which reaches the inguinal canal and seems to depend on the spermatic cord.
The patient undergoes right orchyectomy. Histological examination shows an infiltrating malignant papillary spermatic cord mesothelioma.
CT scan reveals signs of right pleural mesothelioma with ipsilateral pleural effusion, pleural implants, multiple lymphadenopathies and an anterior pneumothorax. A pleural biopsy reveals the presence of malignant epithelioid mesothelioma.
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