Mycobacterial Diseases

Mycobacterial Diseases
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1068

+44 1478 350008

Mary Grace Tungdim

Mary Grace Tungdim


  • Research Article
    Outcome of Tuberculosis Treatment on Measures of Obesity and Adiposity Indices Among the Tribals of Northeast India
    Author(s): Mary Grace Tungdim, Heemanshu Aurora and Satwanti KapoorMary Grace Tungdim, Heemanshu Aurora and Satwanti Kapoor

    A cross sectional study was conducted among adult patients (N=280) between 20-40 years at different stages of tuberculosis (TB) treatment. The data was collected from the different DOTS centres in Manipur, Northeast India. Several anthropometric measurements and the indices of adiposity like body mass index (BMI), waist hip ratio (WHR), waist height ratio (WHtR) and grand mean thickness (GMT) were studied. Wasting of muscle mass and decrease in fat percentage because of chronic disease (TB) and overall improvement in these components with antitubercular treatment was observed. This study suggests that body composition is a useful marker to indicate temporal recovery of patients undergoing tuberculosis treatment and determine treatment outcome... View More»

    Abstract PDF

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