Medical Safety & Global Health

Medical Safety & Global Health
Open Access

ISSN: 2574-0407


Maura F

Maura F


  • Research Article
    Exposure to HIV: When Laboratory Investigation Time is Gold
    Author(s): Bianchi P, Maura F, Motta LM, Montanelli A and Monari MBianchi P, Maura F, Motta LM, Montanelli A and Monari M

    To offer a rapid investigation on potential source of infection in case of worker exposure (needle stick) to reduce anxiety and to offer an accurate assessment we stressed the analytical performances of two commercial HIV point of Care (POCT). This strategy could suggest to give or not a retroviral therapy in less than 4 hours, the expected time to have the optimal infection’s prophylaxis. 60 selected serum samples were previously analyzed, confirmed and classified for HIV positivity/negativity by conventional laboratory procedure: HIV Combo Ag/Ab Abbott diagnostic®, USA; Western Blot Matrix HIV 1/2 Abbott®, USA. Suddenly we investigated all samples by the new POCT test (HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab Combo InvernessMedical®, Chiba Japan) 60 selected serum are classified 40 as negative and 20 as positive. We analyzed our data by quantify agreement with kappa (Choen’s kappa coef.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2574-0407.1000135

    Abstract PDF

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