ISSN: 2329-6488
Mayra E Vargas
Research Article
Thrombocytopenia, Liquor Use and Marijuana are Associated with Noninvasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis in People Living with HIV
Author(s): Maria José Míguez-Burbano, Diego Bueno, Allan Rodriguez, Mayra E Vargas, Erika Richardson and John LewisMaria José Míguez-Burbano, Diego Bueno, Allan Rodriguez, Mayra E Vargas, Erika Richardson and John Lewis
Objective and aims: Liver disease is currently one of the leading causes of death among people living with HIV. Although platelets alterations are well recognized in the course of liver disease, the impact of thrombocytopenia (TCP: platelet counts <150,000 per microliter), which is highly prevalent among Hazardous Alcohol Users (HAU), is unclear. This lack of information limits the possibility to identify those at risk and to create targeted interventions.
Methods: In this study, a total of 400 people living with HIV underwent laboratory assessments to determine if in addition to alcohol, TCP or its related factors (i.e., serotonin) were associated with non-invasive markers of liver fibrosis. The FIB-4 and the APRI scores were calculated using the Sterling’s and the Wai’s formulas, respectively.
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