ISSN: 2593-9173
Misganaw Wassie
Research Article
Isolation, Screening and Biochemical Characterization of Phosphate- Solubilizing Rhizobacteria Associated with Coffea arabica L.
Author(s): Befekadu Teshome, Misganaw Wassie and Endeshaw AbatnehBefekadu Teshome, Misganaw Wassie and Endeshaw Abatneh
This study focused on screening, identifying and characterizing P-solubilizing rhizobacteria associated with Coffea arabica L. growing in Southwestern Ethiopia. Samples were collected from Kaffa and Jimma zones in the Southwestern part of Ethiopia which are not only the major coffee growing areas of Ethiopia but also the origin of Coffea arabica L. Natural forest, agroforestry-based and monoculture plantations were included. A total of 110 Coffee roots with adhering soil samples were collected in sterile plastic bags. At each sampling site, plant roots with adhering soil (approximately 50 g) were collected from each corner of a randomly selected square meter (One from each of 4 quadrants) which lied around coffee plant at a depth of 10-20 cm and placed into a sterile plastic bag to give a composite sample. One composite sample was taken at each coffee plant. Care was taken to keep rhizos.. View More»