ISSN: 2167-1044
Mohammed El-Khateeb
Research Article
Prevalence, Gender Differences and Associated Factors of Depression among Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, Jordan
Author(s): Hyassat D, Al-Doseri S, Hashem J, Bani-Mustafa R, Mohammed El-Khateeb, Dalila B and Kamel A*Hyassat D, Al-Doseri S, Hashem J, Bani-Mustafa R, Mohammed El-Khateeb, Dalila B and Kamel A*
Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted among type 2 diabetics aged ≥ 18 years during the period from 1st of November 2013 to 1st of March 2014. A total of 1591 patients were studied. Depression was assessed using the Arabic version of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), a cut-off point of 10 was used to categorize depression. Prevalence rates of overall, major and minor depression were 40%, 8.7% and 25.5%, respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that age, sex, educational level, smoking status, DM complications especially neuropathy, vitamin D3 level and family support were significant. Whereas, marital status, monthly income, BMI, glycemic control and support of friends and significant others were not significant. Old age, mal.. View More»