Journal of Geology & Geophysics

Journal of Geology & Geophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2381-8719

+44 1478 350008

Mohan Babu M

Mohan Babu M


  • Research Article
    Groundwater Studies with Special Emphasis on Seasonal Variation of Groundwater Quality in a Coastal Aquifer
    Author(s): Kasi Viswanadh Gorthi and Mohan Babu Kasi Viswanadh Gorthi and Mohan Babu

    The qualitative and quantitative assessment of groundwater is obligatory pre-requisite for developing countries like India with rural based economy. It is essential to evolve a strategy for ecologically sustainable development of groundwater resources which can be done only through exploration of hydro-geological environment. In the present study, groundwater studies, with special emphasis on groundwater quality and its variation with season have been carried out for upland areas of Nellore district, situated on the East Coast of India. Groundwater quality data of samples collected during pre and post monsoon season in the year 2011 by State Groundwater Department, Nellore have been used for finding its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. The data pertaining to the following parameters / ions, viz., Hydrogen Concentration(pH), Total Dissolved Solids(TDS), Total Hardnes.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2381-8719.1000210

    Abstract PDF

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