Anesthesia & Clinical Research

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-6148

Mohsin Nazir Butt

Mohsin Nazir Butt
Department of Anaesthesia and ICU, Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi,

  • Case Report
    Surgical Excision of Left Atrial Chondrosarcoma and Mitral Valve Repair in a 30 Weeks Pregnant Female
    Author(s): Mohsin Nazir Butt, Aurangzeb Durrani and Jahanzeb KhanMohsin Nazir Butt, Aurangzeb Durrani and Jahanzeb Khan

    This case report is regarding a 32 years old female with 30 weeks gestation, presented to the obstetric department first time with gestational amenorrhoea. She has history of exertional dysponea, orthopnoea and attacks of syncope on and off from last three years. On further work up, she has got left sided intra atrial mass of about 41×36 mm in size attached to the lateral wall of left atrium, protruding into left ventricle through mitral valve, during diastole causing severe obstruction. Left ventricular systolic function was normal, estimated ejection fraction of 58% and no regional wall motion abnormality. Fetal heart rate and other parameters of fetal wellbeing was assessed, they were within normal limits. Patient and her family were counseled about her critical condition. In the presence of obstetrician within the operating room, cardiac surgery was started with all essentia.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-6148.1000487

    Abstract PDF

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