Anesthesia & Clinical Research

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-6148

Mona Mohamed Mogahed

Mona Mohamed Mogahed
Anesthiology and Surgical Intensive Care, El Moatasem St, Faculty of Medicine,

  • Research Article
    The Anesthetic and the Akinetic Effects of 1% Ropivacaine Given in Two Different Peribulbar Blocks; Single Medial Canthus or Double Injection Technique
    Author(s): Mona Mohamed Mogahed and Jehan Mohamed Ezzat Hamed Mona Mohamed Mogahed and Jehan Mohamed Ezzat Hamed

    Background: Owing to the advanced age of patients scheduled for cataract and IOL insertion, and the high concentrations of local anesthetic used in peribulbar blockade, the use of ropivacaine produces an effective motor blockade with minimal risks for neuro and cardiotoxicity. concerning globe injury due to multiple injection the new single injection medial canthus is theoretically preferred to decrease the frequency of globe injury. Aim of the work: To evaluate anesthetic and akinetic Effects in single and double injection peribulbar technique to detect the better method of administration in peribulbar blockade. Methods: This single blind randomized study was done on 60 patients ASA I-III underwent cataract and IOL insertion surgery. Patients were taken peribulbar block using 8 ml, 1% ropivacaine with 30 IU/ml hya.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-6148.1000736

    Abstract PDF

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