Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

Mouawiah P

Mouawiah P


  • Research Article
    The Relationship between Eating Disorder and General Life Stressors among College Students in Jordan
    Author(s): Alshawashereh OM*, Arrabi Fisal, Abu Gazal and Mouawiah P Alshawashereh OM*, Arrabi Fisal, Abu Gazal and Mouawiah P

    Background: College students, in their transitional period to adulthood and into university environment may face emotional and psychological stress, due to new social environment, financial demands, academic caseload, new responsibility and expectations by their parents and peers. Eating disorder can become a coping strategy among students. Eating disorders considered being a significant problems and important issue concerning the care of young adults all over the world. The study aims to investigate the relationship between eating disorders and general life stressors among college students in Jordan. Methods: A student’s survey for General Life Stressors Inventory (GLSI), and Eating disorder scale were both developed and administered to college students. Results: The results indicated a moderate level of general l.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-1044.1000305

    Abstract PDF

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