ISSN: 2329-6488
Nathalie Hill-Kapturczak
Research Article
Acquisition of Rater Agreement for the Stressful Life Events Schedule
Author(s): Lisa M James, Charles W Mathias, Bethany C Bray, Sharon E Cates, Sarah J Farris, Michael A Dawes, Nathalie Hill-Kapturczak and Donald M DoughertyLisa M James, Charles W Mathias, Bethany C Bray, Sharon E Cates, Sarah J Farris, Michael A Dawes, Nathalie Hill-Kapturczak and Donald M Dougherty
Stress has been linked to a broad range of psychopathology including alcohol and drug dependence. Recent advances in our understanding of how stress interacts with biological systems involved in addiction has generated even greater interest in stress assessment among addiction researchers. The Stressful Life Events Schedule (SLES) capitalizes on the strengths and avoids the pitfalls of self-report checklist and interview-based stress assessments. Because the SLES depends on consensus ratings of a research team, this study examined rater agreement of stressful event ratings across the first year using the SLES. Individual ratings of stressful events were compared between two experienced and three new raters. Ratings were analyzed for life events generated from interviews of 70 adolescent psychiatric inpatients and 62 healthy adolescents. Inexperienced raters, with backgrounds in addict.. View More»