ISSN: 2472-1182
Nélio Jorge Veiga
Health Sciences Institute, Centre for Interdisciplinary Health Research, Universidade Católica Portuguesa,
Short Communication
The Importance of Oral Health during Pregnancy and Among the Newborn
Author(s): Ana Ferreira, Catarina Oliveira, Liliana Silva, Mariana Santiago and Nélio VeigaAna Ferreira, Catarina Oliveira, Liliana Silva, Mariana Santiago and Nélio Veiga
Objective: Assessment of the knowledge that future mothers have about the importance of their oral health and future oral health of their newborn.
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was designed in which the participants were pregnant women and mothers of newborns living in the city of Viseu, Portugal. The self-administered questionnaires were distributed to a final sample of 68 participants. The objective of this questionnaire was to assess the oral hygiene and the level of oral health of pregnant women and the importance attributed to them, taking into account the implications of oral health in the newborn.
Results: It was observed that the participants had satisfactory oral health habits and had some knowledge about the oral health of the newborn, however, in certain fundamental parameters they had a significant lack of knowledge. Most pregnant and mothers of newborns.. View More»