Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Nico Nagelkerke

Nico Nagelkerke

United Arab Emirates

  • Research Article
    Blood Glucose Levels and Pregnancy Outcome in a High-risk Population
    Author(s): Latifa Mohammad Baynouna Al Ketbi, Nico Nagelkerke and Hisham M Mirghani Latifa Mohammad Baynouna Al Ketbi, Nico Nagelkerke and Hisham M Mirghani

    Objectives: UAE pregnant women have a higher prevalence, of metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes and gestational diabetes. This justifies outcome mapping in relation to blood sugar. Research Design and Methods: A hundred ninety-eight healthy UAE pregnant women enrolled in primary health care centers in 2010-2011 were followed in the hospital for outcome of pregnancy. Methods: Retrospective chart review, Surveyed exposure variables: demographic data, obstetric history, BMI, Blood pressure, Hemoglobin, early trimester glucose levels fasting and 1hr after breakfast, second trimester OGTT. Primary outcomes were: gestational age at delivery, mode of delivery, fetal weight, and baby admission to SCABU or death. Results: A non-significant trend between birth weight and the di.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-0420.1000289

    Abstract PDF

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