ISSN: 2167-0587
Nicolat Maât
Research Article
Process Recovery of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets from Hard Disc Drives
Author(s): Nour-Eddine Menad, Alain Seron, Nicolat Maât, Jean-Marie Le Breton and Nachbaur VirginieNour-Eddine Menad, Alain Seron, Nicolat Maât, Jean-Marie Le Breton and Nachbaur Virginie
The increasing use of rare earths elements (REE) in a number of recent technological innovations led to a rapid increase (>50% in last decade) in their applications. Besides, Europe is one of the most important regions of consumption of these substances. In this context, in its ‘Raw materials’ strategy, Europe puts the recycling at the centre of its concerns to secure its supplies in REEs. Recycling of these substances, on an industrial scale, remains somewhat developed while it presents numerous advantages over the exploitation of primary resources. Thus, in order to increase the efficiency of the use of the REEs and to decrease European dependence on these strategic elements, research and development efforts must be achieved in all areas of their life cycle whether it concerns exploitation of ores or end-of-life equipment such as the one. This paper shows the results .. View More»