ISSN: 2155-6148
Nicole P Bernal
Research Article
Accurate Measurement of Intraoperative Blood Loss during Wound Excision Leads to More Appropriate Transfusion and Reduced Blood Utilization
Author(s): Nicole P Bernal, Jose Muniz Castro, Kimberly Burton, Robert L Thurer
Nicole P Bernal, Jose Muniz Castro, Kimberly Burton, Robert L Thurer
Objective: To determine if accurate measurement of surgical blood loss using a novel device that photographs surgical sponges and calculates their hemoglobin content affects transfusion practice.
Methods: We retrospectively compared transfusion events for patients having wound excisions using visual estimation of blood loss (traditional group; n=178) to similar events following device implementation (study group; n=221).
Results: The study group (age 43 ± 22 years, body surface area burn 11.2 ± 18.0%, excision area 624, IQR 757 cm2, preoperative hemoglobin 10.7 ± 2.4 g/dl) did not differ significantly from the traditional group (age 42 ± 23 years (p=0.527), body surface area burn 12.2 ± 22.6% (p=0.661), excision area 753, IQR 505 cm2 (p=0.485), and preoperative hemoglobin 10.7 ± .. View More»