ISSN: 2161-038X
+44 1300 500008
Nirod Chandra Saha
Research Article
Cross Checking of Registered Contraceptive Acceptors: A Study Finding of
Two Rural Areas of Bangladesh
Author(s): Humayun Kabir, Nirod Chandra Saha and Rukhsana Gazi
Humayun Kabir, Nirod Chandra Saha and Rukhsana Gazi
Background: Information system is an essential component for planning and management of health and family planning services. In most developing countries, Management Information Systems (MIS) are inadequate in providing the required management support. Data accuracy refers to the degree to which the information measures what was planned to be measured.
Objective: To assess data accuracy through cross checking of registered contraceptive acceptors.
Methods: The registered data was cross checked from four purposively selected unions of Nabiganj sub-district of Habiganj district and Raipur sub-district of Lashmipur district. Overall 12% contraceptive acceptors had been interviewed from the recorded contraceptive acceptors entered in the Family Welfare Assistant (FWA) register through household visits. The interview wa.. View More»