ISSN: 2161-0401
+44 1478 350008
Oladosu IA
Research Article
Phytochemistry and Therapeutic Potentials of the Seed Essential Oil of Eucalyptus maculata Hook from Nigeria
Author(s): Ololade ZS, Olawore NO and Oladosu IA
Ololade ZS, Olawore NO and Oladosu IA
The aim of this research was to study the phytochemicals, therapeutic potentials of the seed essential oil of E. maculata Hook grown in Nigeria. Composition of the seed essential oil was investigated by GC, GC-MS, MS and FT-IR. Analyses of the volatile oil resulted in the identification of fifty-eight phytocompounds representing 98.95% of the oil. Cyclofenchene (7.0%), α-pinene (8.0%), 1R-α-pinene (6.0%), 1S-α-pinene (7.0%), DL-pinene (6.0%) and β-trans-Ocimene (8.0%) were detected as the principal components accounted for 42% of the seed essential oil. None of these main compounds has ever been detected in the leaves extracts of E. maculata that had been investigated before except α-Pinene. The total phenolics content of the seed oil of E. maculata was estimated as 195.84 ± 0.002 μg/mg GAE. The results of free radical .. View More»