ISSN: 2167-0420
Olga Perez Moro
Research Article
Associated Risk Factors in Female Urinary Incontinence and Effectiveness
of Electromyography-Biofeedback on Quality of Life
Author(s): Marcos Edgar Fernández-Cuadros, Antonia Geanini Yagüez, Javier Nieto Blasco, Jose Antonio Miron Canelo, Olga Perez Moro and Maria Fernanda Lorenzo Gomez
Marcos Edgar Fernández-Cuadros, Antonia Geanini Yagüez, Javier Nieto Blasco, Jose Antonio Miron Canelo, Olga Perez Moro and Maria Fernanda Lorenzo Gomez
The aim of this study is to determine the demographic characteristics and risk factors related to female Urinary Incontinence (UI), the frequency by age, sex, type and degree of incontinence; and to evaluate the effectiveness of a pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) protocol with electromyography (EMG-BFB) with surface electrodes applied at the Pelvic Floor (PF) Unit of the Department of Rehabilitation at Salamanca’s Healthcare University Complex: as well as the potential effect on the Quality of Life (QoL) of incontinent women through the ICIQ-SF/I-QOL scales/questionnaires. We studied 311 female with different types of UI. They were all treated with 20 EMG-BFB sessions, twice a week. Superficial electrodes were used around the anus, and self administered ICIQ-SF and I-QOL questionnaires/scales were used. The mean age was 55.76+/-14.95 years. There were 83.6% female and 16.4% m.. View More»