ISSN: 2168-9792
Omara ZM
Research Article
Study of the Configuration and Performance of Air-Air Ejectors based on CFD Simulation
Author(s): El-Zahaby AM, Hamed MH, Omara ZM and Eldesoukey AM
El-Zahaby AM, Hamed MH, Omara ZM and Eldesoukey AM
This paper describes a numerical study of gas-gas ejector performance for different operating conditions and geometrical configurations. The performance of ejector obtained based on a simulation procedure of linearized and axisymmetric subsonic and supersonic flow using Fluent Package. A conventional finite-volume scheme utilized to solve two-dimensional transport equations with the standard k-ω SST turbulence model. The model is solved in three regions namely, the primary flow nozzle, the secondary flow channel, and the region of interaction between the supersonic nozzle jet and the secondary flow. The effect of gas motive pressure the mixing part and tail section (pipe or diffuser) geometry on the ejector performance are studied. The computational results are validated using published experimental data with acceptable agreements. The numerical results indicate that the ejector.. View More»