Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research

Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2593-9173

Patil Sheetal

  • Research Article
    Biopesticidal Formulation Of Beauveria Bassiana Effective Against Larvae Of Helicoverpa Armigera
    Author(s): Agarwal Ritu, Choudhary Anjali, Tripathi Nidhi, Patil Sheetal and Bharti Deepak Agarwal Ritu, Choudhary Anjali, Tripathi Nidhi, Patil Sheetal and Bharti Deepak

    The present study was to emphasize entomopathogens in pest management of cash crops over chemical pesticides, optimization of media for growth of Beauveria bassiana and bioassay of different formulations for their efficacy as marketable and easily applicable biopesticide. Beauveria bassiana (Order: Hypocreales, Family: Cordycipitaceae) popularly known as white muscardine entomogenous fungi was isolated from soyabean fields of Misrod, Bhopal. Media for optimal growth of fungus were standardized. Its different formulations viz. carrier based powder formulation, oil based formulation and bentonite oil based formulation using homogenizers were prepared. These formulations were bioassayed against Helicoverpa armigera (Order: Lepidoptera, Family: Noctuidae), the most destructive pest in soyabean. Bentonite based liquid formulation was observed to be most effective as determined by measuring.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-6202.1000120

    Abstract PDF

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