ISSN: 2593-9173
Pompe C Cruz
Research Article
Evaluation of Biofertilizers in Cultured Rice
Author(s): Nino Paul, Pompe C Cruz, Edna A Aguilar, Rodrigo B Badayos and Stephan Hafele
Nino Paul, Pompe C Cruz, Edna A Aguilar, Rodrigo B Badayos and Stephan Hafele
Biofertilizers are becoming increasingly popular in many countries and for many crops, but very few studies on their effect on grain yield have been conducted in rice. Therefore, we evaluated three different biofertilizers (based on Azospirillum, Trichoderma, or unidentified rhizobacteria) in the Philippines during four cropping seasons between 2009 and 2011, using four different fertilizer rates (100% of the recommended rate [RR], 50% RR, 25% RR, and no fertilizer as Control). The experiments were conducted under fully irrigated conditions in a typical lowland rice environment. Significant yield increases due to biofertilizer use were observed in all experimental seasons with the exception of the 2008/09 DS. However, the effect on rice grain yield varied between biofertilizers, seasons, and fertilizer treatments. In relative terms, the seasonal yield increase across fertilizer treatm.. View More»