ISSN: 2161-0932
Quetzalcoatl Chavez-Peña
Case Report
Cerebral Vasospasm in Cortical Blindness Associated with Preeclamsia/ Eclampsia Syndrome
Author(s): Julio C Mijangos-Méndez, Guadalupe Aguirre-Avalos, Federico Corona-Jimenez, Iris X Ortiz-Macias, José A López-Pulgarín, Quetzalcoat Chavez- Peña1 and Miguel A Ibarra-Estrada
Julio C Mijangos-Méndez, Guadalupe Aguirre-Avalos, Federico Corona-Jimenez, Iris X Ortiz-Macias, José A López-Pulgarín, Quetzalcoat Chavez- Peña1 and Miguel A Ibarra-Estrada
Background: Preeclampsia/eclampsia syndrome (Pe/ES) is a frequent complication during pregnancy. Neurologic or visual disturbances associated with Pe/ES are acute and severe. The women with cerebrovascular syndromes (CVS) are at increased risk of cerebrovascular complications that may lead to permanent sequelae and death.
Case Reports: We describe the clinical course of three obstetric patients with Pe/ES complicated by CVS and cortical blindness. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) was seen in the three patients. One patient had the coexistence of PRES and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) confirmed cerebral vasospasm in two patients. Follow-up with TCD allowed sequential assessments of the evolution of cerebral vasospasm.
Conclusion: The variability of cereb.. View More»