ISSN: 2329-8901
Rab FA
Review Article
Genome-Nutrifortified Diets-Their Disease Protection and Remedy Potential
Author(s): Rab FARab FA
In olden days food was considered merely to be a feed that supply nutrients and energy providing components to the living body whereas illness used to be considered to be impairment of body function either in response of any external stimuli such as microbes allergens etc., or some indigenous stimuli e.g., pathological event no matter whatsoever is, but it is evident by latest understanding on knowledge that food fills remedy. We have already submitted work revealing the underlying mechanism of impact of food on dynamics of ailment. In recent years food has been a key means to pollute the living entities including Human Body leading to cause a huge number of noncontagious diseases including mental ailment, Rab has demonstrated simple ways to validate the Food Safety domestically as well as to make them safer for consumption within domestically available facilities. In the underdeveloping.. View More»