Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6488

Ragavendra T

Ragavendra T


  • Research Article
    A Study of Heart Rate Variability among Gutkha Chewers from a Rural Farming Background in India
    Author(s): Amrith Pakkala , Ganashree CP and Ragavendra TAmrith Pakkala , Ganashree CP and Ragavendra T

    Background: Modernisation of life style has affected the population even in rural areas leading to addiction. Smokeless tobacco is presumed to be less of an evil by the rural folk. Gutkha addicts are likely to suffer from mental and physical exhaustion leading to stress. This is important in view of the prevailing socio-economic as well as the healthcare system available in any developing country. Therefore the present study is designed to measure heart rate variability among this special group of population. Methods: 15 male subjects were enrolled from among the rural farm labors who regularly chewgutkha. They were free from any type of physical and mental health issues, non smokers. Each individual volunteer was subjected to HRV analysis on three occasions: the first record was performed on the first day of their arrival in the hospital as s.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2329-6488.1000118

    Abstract PDF

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