ISSN: 2161-1068
+44 1478 350008
Rahul Mittal
United Kingdom
Research Article
The Treatment of Isoniazid Resistant Tuberculosis with Predominantly a Nine-Month Regimen
Author(s): Sarah A Haines, Rahul Mittal and Lawrence Peter OrmerodSarah A Haines, Rahul Mittal and Lawrence Peter Ormerod
Background: Chest Clinic in Blackburn UK, a high Tuberculosis (TB) incidence area of the United Kingdom.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of a prospectively compiled database of TB notifications. The clinical characteristics and management of those cases with isonazid resistance (with or without additional streptomycin resistance) for the years 1989-2008 inclusive is described.
Results: 36 patients with proven and 3 with presumed isoniazid resistance were treated, 15 with pulmonary and 21 with non-pulmonary confirmed cultures. 35 patients (92%) were treated with a regimen of nine months rifampicin and ethambutol, supplemented by two months initial pyrazinamide (2RZE/7RE). No clinical or bacteriological relapses occurred.
Conclusion: This retrospective cohort study with a minimum of 12 months pos.. View More»