ISSN: 2157-7013
+44 1300 500008
Ramos-Cardona XE
Research Article
Proteomics Profiling of Pancreatic Cancer and Pancreatitis for Biomarkers Discovery
Author(s): Sanh N, Fadul H, Hussein N, Lyn-Cook BD, Hammons G, Ramos-Cardona XE, Mohamed K and Mohammed SISanh N, Fadul H, Hussein N, Lyn-Cook BD, Hammons G, Ramos-Cardona XE, Mohamed K and Mohammed SI
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive malignancies with an increase in incidence predicted, particularly in African Americans. Pancreatic cancer is considered a silent disease with poor prognosis and a lack of early biomarkers for detection. Proteomics has been applied in many diseases for identifying or discovering biomarkers. It has long been suggested that chronic pancreatitis may be a risk factor for developing pancreatic cancer. This study identified proteins that are altered in expression in pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis compared to normal using proteomic technology. Proteins were extracted from laser captured micro-dissected tissues and separated in 2-DPAGE and imaged. The protein profiles of pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis are similar but differed with the protein profile of normal adjacent tissues. Representative proteins, overexpressed in tumor and pancreat.. View More»