ISSN: 2329-6488
Razvodovsky YE
80 Gorky Street, Grodno 230009, Belarus
Research Article
The Differential Effects of Beverage Type on Alcohol Poisoning Mortality in Russia
Author(s): Razvodovsky YE
Razvodovsky YE
Background: Death from alcohol poisoning is a serious public health problem in Russia. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the relation between the consumption of different beverage types and alcohol poisoning mortality rates in Russia. Method: Age-standardized male and female alcohol poisoning mortality data for the period 1970-2010 and data on beverage-specific alcohol sales were obtained from Russian State Statistical Committee. Time-series analytical modeling techniques were used to examine the relation between the sales of different alcoholic beverages (vodka, wine, beer) and alcohol poisoning mortality rates. Results: Total alcohol sale is a statistically significant associated with both male and female alcohol poisoning mortality rates, implying that a 1-litre increase in per capita alcohol sales is associated with an increase in ma.. View More»