ISSN: 2155-9570
Reza Jafari
Faculty of Medicine,
West Indies
Case Report
Orbital Pseudotumor Initially Presented as Chronic Sinusitis: A Case Report
Author(s): Reza Jafari
Reza Jafari
Idiopathic orbital pseudotumor, is defined as a benign, non-infective lesion characterized by orbital inflammatory process. A 73-year-old man, with a 1 year history of severe headache and unilateral left-sided chronic pan-sinusitis without orbital involvement underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) surgery due to sinusitis recurrence. Also Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery and re-surgery of sphenoid sinus and middle turbinecomy were conducted. About 5 months later, patient presented with ocular pain, diplopia and reduced left eye movements. He underwent surgery and biopsy was conducted for histopathology and immunohistochemistry (IHC) and their reports confirmed the diagnosis of orbital pseudotumor. The initial symptoms did not start from orbit, interestingly. Notably, one of the differential diagnoses of unilateral chronic sinusitis can be orbital pseudotumor.
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